

Education & Access

  • Find a Theranostic Clinical Trial Right for You!
  • Ability to Contact Expert Theranostic Oncologists
  • Education to better understand Radiation
  • Education to better understand Theranostics
  • Education to better understand Clinical Trials

About Us

TheranosticTrials was developed through the collaboration of 2 key opinion leaders in the field of Radiopharmaceuticals. Drs. Luke Nordquist and Oliver Sartor saw the need for a such a web-based tool to provide patient education & ultimately improve access to the rapidly expanding field of radiopharmaceutical clinical trials. Patients globally are seeking access to these highly sought-after clinical trials which are providing new hope.



RLT Components

RADIOLIGAND THERAPY (RLT) is a highly effective approach to very accurately locating cancer cells and effectively killing those same cells by delivery various radioisotopes to a specific target that is located on a type of cancer. Some of the Radioisotopes are diagnostic for locating cancers & some therapeutic to treat the cancers.

There are several Components to a RLT that are simply demonstrated in the truck diagram including:

  1. Cancer Targets
  2. Ligand (demonstrated as the Truck GPS set to find a specific Target)
  3. Diagnostic Radioisotopes (demonstrated as light bulbs that light the cancer Targets on a PET scan)
  4. Therapeutic Radioisotopes (demonstrated as bombs that kill cancer cells that express the target with either Alpha or Beta radiation)
  5. Linker (demonstrated as the hitch keeping the Radioisotope attached to the Ligand)
  6. Chelator (demonstrated as the Trailers which keeps the Radioisotope on Target).

To learn more about the specific components being studied today on clinical trials around the world check out the RLT COMPONENTSTab.

View RLT Components


Theranostic Research Report

Source: Oppenheimer & Co. Research

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Get To know Radiation

Radiation is naturally occurring and unavoidable in our day-to-day living

Let’s compare Bananas!




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